A good life starts with a good sleep. There are those happy sleepers who fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow, who wake up fresh and ready for anything. And then there are the insomniacs, tossing and turning all night, fretting about their lack of sleep. Sleep quality and health concerns are very often connected. Sleep is the elixir of youth, the foundation of our health. We spend a third of our lives asleep, and the average number of hours of sleep has decreased considerably over the past century. Basically, sleep plays a vital role in our quality of life.
Would you run a marathon or hike in the mountains without the right equipment? Of course not, it's way too dangerous. The same goes for sleep, nothing should be overlooked. Lack of sleep harms your health. A good bed can instil a new, calmer pace of life.
Can you really put a price on quality sleep? Nowadays, there is an imbalance in all these functions. Many health conditions are connected to lack of sleep. For example, not enough sleep can lead to the development of obesity. There is no time wasted sleeping, as some specialists confirm. On the other hand, time wasted on not sleeping is another matter altogether. Particularly if we spend it on front of our screens: televisions, computer, smartphone, tablet.